Combining german-learning resources. chances are, your teachers never made you work from just one book all year long. you had extra worksheets and readings (often pulled from other books), videos, audio recordings, or maybe even some online resources.your self-study attempts should take the same approach.. The best book to learn german vocab. typically, to learn words, you dig through a dictionary. well, this is different. well, this is different. it’s 40 chapters and 448 pages long and it breaks down each chapter by theme – eating, clothing, actions, behaviors, feelings, instincts.. A few possibilities to consider are german for dummies, the everything learning german book, language hacking german, teach yourself german, the complete idiot's guide to learning german. if you're looking only for a reading knowledge of german, i recommend german for reading knowledge , by korb (older editions are by jannach/korb)..

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Learning german with textbooks and worksheets only gets you so far. after a while, you need to start putting the pieces together by speaking to people, watching german movies, reading blogs and newspapers or german short stories.once you feel comfortable reading shorter pieces, it’s time to progress to book-length reading materials.. Reading books in german has really helped me to learn the language. ever since i got to about a2/b1 level, it's been possible (slowly at first) to build my vocab and grammar whilst really enjoying. In addition to books, you might also want to consider other resources such as free apps like beginner german app or startfromzero_german app, that uses flashcards and quiz approach to help you learn some of the commonly used german words and phrases at your own pace..